This episode we’ll wrap up the relevant ethical principles that apply to barristers, looking at Part 5.4 of Schedule 1 of the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2014, which relates to disciplinary matters, and the overarching obligations in the Civil Procedure Act 2010. In out next episode, we’ll start looking at criminal procedure, focusing on initiation of matters, and summary procedure.
You can find the notes here.
It’s time to transition from looking at the evidentiary rules and principles, to considering how to attempt past exams. This episode we’ll review the...
Often considered one of the trickier areas of evidence law, today we will look at the principles of admissibility and exclusion of tendency and...
This episode we’ll start the first of four instalments of our discussion of the Supreme Court (General Civil Procedure Rules) 2015 (Vic), looking at...