This episode we’ll start looking at Victorian Criminal Procedure and the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Act. We start with commencing criminal proceedings, moving onto summary procedure, and then wrap up with the appeals available from decisions of the Magistrates’ Court. As always, we’re helped out by the discussion published by the Judicial College of Victoria, starting here for summary procedure, and here for appeals. In out next episode, we’ll move onto committal procedure, and trials on indictment.
You can find the notes here.
This episode we’ll finish discussing the Jury Directions Act 2015 (Vic) by looking at the evidential directions, finishing up with general directions. No notes...
This episode we’ll finish discussing sentencing and then start tackling civil procedure by looking at the parts of the Civil Procedure Act 2010 (Vic)...
Now that we’ve managed the most difficult part of law studies (getting started), we’re well on our way. Today, we’ll look at the principles...