Often considered one of the trickier areas of evidence law, today we will look at the principles of admissibility and exclusion of tendency and coincidence evidence. In our next episode, we'll turn to identification evidence, and opinion and expert evidence.
You can find the notes, and other resources, here.
The Judicial College of Victoria provides an absolute wealth of resources for the principles governing admissibility and exclusion of tendency evidence and coincidence evidence starting here. The use of tendence reasoning in criminal trials is also discussed here, and then here for coincidence reasoning.
Today, we chat about the principles of admissibility, and exclusion, of admissions and unlawfully or improperly obtained real evidence. In our next episode, our...
An enormous hurdle to getting started in self-led study is knowing where to begin. In this episode, we had the honour of being joined...
This episode we’ll finish discussing the Bail Act 1977 (Vic) and get started on the Jury Directions Act 2015 (Vic). As always, we’re helped...